“Angola’s ‘Suitcase Traders.’” BBC News. Accessed April 1, 2021. https://www.bbc.com/news/av/business-41285456.
This interview with a few suitcase traders in Luanda’s markets detail the rough lives of these businesswomen. The traveling they do, the deals that they have to make and how they have to stick their neck out for the advancement of fashion in Angola. I used this source because it shows how the suitcase traders are thinking about their own futures as well as the styles and aspirations of the people who are buying from them.
Since the 1970’s and the Nanas Benz got international attention by driving around in Mercedes Benzs after working in the informal fashion market that they were, suitcase traders became a feasible job opportunity for many women. As Angola leaves its civil war, not many opportunities await people in the country. For this reason, this interview is important. It shows, even for a brief moment that the success and aspirations for a better future is achievable and not just for a small number of people. The BBC made this article to showcase the difficult occupation of suitcase trading. The cost benefit analysis that has to go on to ensure that their customers are getting up to date fashions and styles as well as making sure that they turn a profit. This video also provides information on why many of these women are heading to China instead of other countries because of the cheap price of clothes, even though there is a large language barrier.